Hey Nomsters,

Join us this weekend for a fun-filled Easter Egg Hunt (+other games!) & Food Truck Picnic hosted by The Other Door (thanks Kyle!) in North Hollywood with some nom-worthy food truck friends:

The Boba Truck
Phydough Truck (for your puppies at home!)
+ Border Grill Truck (just added!)

12:00PM - 3:00PM
10437 Burbank Blvd,
North Hollywood CA 91601

Whether you celebrate Easter or not, it’s still a great opportunity to bring out your friends and family. There will be kid-friendly games, coloring contests, a special DJ and prizes! Of course, lots of Easter libations that are big-kid friendly too! Can’t wait to NOM with all of you :)

PS: Easter Egg Prizes MIGHT get you a food truck treat ;)